Saturday, July 6, 2013

Heat Wave

I have to confess that I have avoided hiking at Lone Pine this past week because the heat we have had. But today I got up there to see what effects the heat wave may have had up there.  Not to worry; those plants are just loving the sunshine--especially the grass!

 The Serviceberries are getting red.

I found a patch of especially purple Showy Fleabane.  This is NOT Aster; Asters bloom later and have different structure under the flower that you can't see.

The flower of the day was Nodding Onion--it was everywhere!

I found one newby that I haven't seen this year.  This is called Owl Clover:

There is still a lot of Yellow Hawkweed (this is also an invasive), and I caught this particular bloom at an unusual stage--almost thought it was something else.

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