Friday, June 28, 2013

Back in Montana!

Well I haven't been to Lone Pine for 3 weeks!  Time for an update!  The grass along the trail has grown tall and was full of pollen today.  Thank goodness for Claritin!!  Who would think that grass- pollen was so photogenic...

Before I show you the "lovelies," I need to call your attention to this invasive plant, Hounds-tongue. It is as "bad" as Knapweed, and really needs to be pulled.  Although I didn't tell you to....

There were a lot of new flowers in bloom as well as some still around from earlier in June.  Lots of this flowering shrub, Mock Orange, were all along the trail.

Lots of Showy Fleabane:

Yellow Hawkweed:

Birchleaf Spirea:


Northern Bedstraw:

There was a new kind of Penstemon, called Scorched P. as well as the Blue:

There are lots of Snowberry bushes along the trail, and the Raspberry I found was about done flowering.

This is a type of Phacelia called Threadleaf P. or linearis:

Nodding Onion is starting:

I saw just a few Harebells and Bladder Campion:

There was a MESS of Stonecrop!  I've seen this already along the rocky edge at the top, but this was down low!

There is still a lot of Lupine:

And the Biscuitroot is going to seed:

Have I identified Yarrow yet?  It is very common and we saw a lot in New Mexico.  This bunch just looked especially sweet and fresh.

And there was a Lupine-Yarrow garden at the top of the hill:

The bright yellow crop on the south end of Kalispell are Canola fields.  They looked particularly striking with the blue sky, beckoning mountains, blue river and a little Mock Orange in front.

Don't we live in a pretty place!  Sometimes I have to pinch myself!

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