Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Brazilian Flower!

After our weekend trip to Bozeman, we came back through Missoula and picked up a Brazilian wildflower named Debora!  She is a music education student from Brazil, that I met at a workshop in Missoula, and she agreed to come teach my students in Kalispell!  She spent the day with me today, teaching geography, Portugese and Brazilian folksongs to my students.  Afterwards I drove her up to the top of Lone Pine to see one of my favorite places.  She will see the rest of my students tomorrow.  She is a lot of fun, and her English is good enough for us to tease back and forth, and crack jokes.  I hope to have her visit again this summer and take her to see Glacier Park.

Debora Simao 
Because I didn't hike the whole trail, I don't have a lot of new flowers to report.  The new ones at the top were Stonecrop, Alumroot, and Fuzzy-tongue Penstemon.  The Lupine is getting bigger and there is more Blue Flax out, but the Blue Penstemon that I found is still in bud--waiting for more sunshine I guess.
Stoneccrop, sedum



Blue Flax

Lupine, still in bud

Fuzzy-tongue Penstemon

I'll hike again on Thursday; see you then...

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