Monday, May 13, 2013


Most of the new flowers blooming now at Lone Pine are YELLOW!  You'd think all this sunshine we've had just got concentrated into those little plants!  They sure make the woods cheerful and bright.

New yellows:  Arrow-Leaf Balsamroot, Heart-leaf Arnica, Oregon Grape, and Stoneseed:

Arnica is definitely the dominant flower in the woods right now.
At the start of the trail, just off Valley View Drive, there are several shrubs that may not really be "wild;" for instance, lilacs.  But there are sweet buds on the chokecherry tree and an apple tree:

There are several new paintbrush along the Cliff Trail:

At the meadowy top of Lone Pine there was quite a variety of colors.  In addition to the yellows, there is still lots of Biscuitroot, Larkspur, PrairieStar, and Prairiesmoke.

Along the Valley View trail through the woods I saw lots of clematis--this one isn't quite focused right, but if you click on the photo, I think you can see an enlarged version of it and the big bumblebee that is clinging to one of the blooms.

There were a few more mystery plants, and when I get them figured out, I'll post 'em.  Our weather may cool for a bit and get some rain, which we really need!

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