Thursday, May 9, 2013

May Sunshine

We are so fortunate to have the Lone Pine trail as a community resource!  Today (and most days) the trail is used by a variety of people:  folks walking/biking/running for exercise,  friends out for a stroll and conversation, girls were sitting in the sun at the top and visiting, the cross-country team was running the trail, moms were out with children, people walk their dogs there.  And I hardly ever see any trash!

It has continued to be warm and sunny this week, so the plants are moving right along.  The 'slippers are still slipping, the 'bells are still ringing, the 'stars are still shooting, the balsam is still rooting (?that one doesn't quite work)  and now the bugs are biting!  The arnica and oregon grape is ready to burst open, and when they do the forest floor will be a dappled carpet of green and yellow.
This Arnica will be a yellow carpet when it all flowers!
Heart-leaf Arnica
Low Oregon Grape
Balsamroot continuing to emerge.
The "arrow" in Arrow-leaf Balsamroot!
My little nest of sleepy fairyslippers is finally waking up!  Today I counted 16 flowers there, and 67 fairyslippers in all along the trail!

This is a different clump of Fairyslipper, that just looked so lovely in the sunshine!

There was some Larkspur open at the top in the sunshine, and more is on the way.

The saxifrage flowers were open today.  I posted a photo of the buds on May 6.

This is stoneseed or lithospermum with only one first flower on it.  I posted a photo of the buds on April 20th as Mystery #3:

Other newbies that are starting to appear:
False Solomon's Seal
False Solomon's Seal
some variety of Rockcress; very tiny white flowers.
Chokecherry buds

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