Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunshine's Back!

Beautiful day today!  I hiked something different today--started at the upper parking area off Valley View Drive, and went as far south as I could, following the Raptor's Rest Trail and the Bearly There Trail.  Lovely walk in dry, grassy woods (after the steep climb, UP!), but didn't see anything different in the way of flowers.  Got a good work-out and enjoyed the sunshine!  Here's my favs:

Balsamroot that is well-bloomed out; the next photo is a close-up of this.

What a cool discovery!

Meadow Death Camas
Meadow Death Camas

Woodland Star or Prairie Star

I think this must be a different variety than what bloomed some in April; much bigger!


Larkspur growing by a downed tree snag.


Biscuitroot--this one looked really purple, and bloomed out.

 Blue Penstemon, almost
Kalispell is starting to green-up!

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