Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 1st Flower Check

We had a cold windy day for May Day, even though the sun was shining.  I didn't have much time after school to hike, so I just drove up to the top and hiked part way down to check on the Fairyslippers in this one little spot.  I was hoping for a bloom on my birthday! There are lots of sweet little pink buds, but no flowers yet.

Soon, soon, won't be long now!
There are lots of shooting stars and yellowbells at the top though and they were lovely indeed.

Mt. Aeneas, to the east of Kalispell; you can also see the Flathead River
and trees that haven't leafed out yet!  
This fuzzy Flannel Mullen caught my eye, as well as these tiny ferns uncurling from the moss.
Very fuzzy

Hopefully with a few more sunny days we'll have blooms soon!

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