Saturday, May 25, 2013

New Orchids!

We got some good soaking rains on Wednesday and Thursday, and out popped the other orchids.  This is Spotted Coralroot or Corallorhiza maculata.  "These plants have no chlorophyll...they are saprophytes, taking nutrients from dead organic matter through a cooperative association with soil fungi in the organic litter on the forest floor." Plants of the Rocky Mountains    AND they are cool little wild orchids to boot!

These were lacking spots!

The Chokecherry  and Black Hawthorne trees are in bloom.

Black Hawthorne

See if you can make out the sharp thorns along the branch--wicked!
The False Solomon's Seal, Larkspur, Arnica and Prairiesmoke are still spectacular and abundant.

This is kind of looking backwards, but this is the access trail through private property to the woods and the trail proper.  The home along the fence-line have this amazing lilac hedge that is blooming now.

1 comment:

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